Hello, people!
Amy's friend is fighting with wild boars in Sasayama, which enjoy messing up the rice paddy! But Amy was fine!
Erica was also "fighting"- but not with wild boars, with FISH! Her husband came back from a very successful fishing trip, bringing with him about 20 fish and another 10 squids! As it was her job cleaning & preparing the catch, Erica was tired today.
Heather is the one with the very healthy lifestyle - she has been following her routine of taking a morning walk for the last 20 years, always in different surroundings as she has moved about 18 times so far! Nowadays, her dog is joining her (or is she joining the dog?). She was sleepy!
In Shelby's house at 5:30 in the morning, a picture fell off the wall due to material fatigue - the string broke! She was very surprised by the big noise, but went back to bed relieved after knowing there was no burglar in her house!
Catherine was shocked to see a young boy about three years old on the train with his young father (about 28 or so) because he looked this: 

Okay, just kidding - that's NOT him, but the father had a flashy tattoo on his right arm, sticking out from under his T-shirt, and Catherine thought he might be one oft them.

And today's quotes? Well ,these:

If you're curious what is supposed to be funny about the picture, please look up "kinky" in the dictionary!

Thanks for coming, and see you soon!

The "Master"