Let's see.....who came to the Cafe today? Yes, Erica, Mikayla, Briana, and Catherine. And how was the weather? Of course, raining! What did you expect - it's 梅雨, don't forget! 
Among the topics covered today was still a little "leftover" of the world cup (don't worry, it'll fade soon!), and I could share some good news with the crowd: The ranking list of the 10 best footballers in this tournament included TWO JAPANESE - Honda & Nakazawa! Congratulation! Mikayla had to add to this the great news (she had read somewhere) that in the overall performance ranking in this cup the Japanese team came in ninth (9th)! That's a great achievement!

As Sunday saw the election, I asked "my girls" if they had casted their votes, which was answered with a big, yet not so confident "yes", as I believe it must be very hard to make a choice when the "selection" leaves so much to wish for........
From there, we discussed the fact of many Japanese show business people joining (or trying to) the political circle, many I didn't know of. Ryoko Tani (housewife, mother, judo wrestler - how will she find the time to do decent politics?), Mari Okabe, the "Knight Scoop Beauty" (I'm shocked, as a fan - will she ever come back to the programme?), Junko Mihara ( I suppose she is too old to "bare all", but needs a job?), and one Rakugo-Man, Katsura something, I forgot. I mean, what do they all think politics are about? A game just anybody can play? I guess we have to blame the recent top politicians, who "just quit" when having enough, like アルバイト. They certainly do not make good paragons (role models)!

Oh yes, and did you know that FIFA is making loads and loads of money and not paying income taxes on the grounds that their organization brings "people, races and different cultures" together, therefore acting as some kind of "peace movement"?

Ladies, the people of this world are so greedy, controlled by money, and FIFA is no difference - sport is totally secondary! It's just a dirty business! Same with politics, really.

Now something to chuckle about:

And enjoyed a simple, but yummy pudding:

Ok, it's time to concentrate on cheering for the Hanshin Tigers again - with a little bit of luck, we should be on the top of the central league ranking very soon!

All right, kick-off (oh, sorry, play-ball, of course!) was 5 minutes ago - enjoy!

The "Master"