Hi, ladies!
It's already almost 10pm - so I' m going to try to keep this one short. Also of course, because I have forgotten most of the day's topics.....think think think......
Okay, Emma, Abigail, Amy, Kelsey, Chelsea and me talked about WET PUBLIC TOILET SEATS in Australia (OMG!) experienced by Kelsey, be careful on your next visit! Connecting to the "toilet subject", I shared the story of my friend who grabbed into a load of (human) poo while scuba diving in Okinawa (OMG again!). 
On the (much) "cleaner side" of the chat, Abigail mentioned (and advertised) her tea ceremony event coming up in November in Akashi.
Here is a educational video about the traditional Japanese tea ceremony: お茶
Chelsea, a "Saturday regular" joined in today - how did you like it? Did it feel very different from Saturday?

Our mandatory study material made us almost feel like being back to school:

Yes, and I forgot to take a picture of today's sweet - it was a "pudding pie", really yummy!

Good night!

The "Master"