Tomorrow in one week I'll be in the air - on my way to Germany! Of course I'm excited, but also a little nervous....can I cover all the things on my "want-to-do-list" in just two weeks? Obviously, by Japanese standards, a 14-day-holiday is extremely long, but I have to catch up about 5 years! 
On this very nice & hot day, the Cafe saw the usual "Tuesday crowd" - Chelsea, Kelsey, Courtney and Lindsey. As you all know, Summer officially started yesterday, so we kicked off with: "Oh, it's sooo hot"........"Puuh, it's so humid" etc. You know, sometimes I get the feeling that "あついな〜" sometimes is used instead of "こんにちは", just like a greeting!
We talked about how people use their air conditioners, and Lindsey just today bought a new fan at "Green". Apparently the difference in prices of fans is based on how economical the various models are. 
Kelsey told us a story of hers (happened many years ago) where she visited a masseur, and after "treatment" became so sick she had to be hospitalized for two month! Fortunate for the masseur, Kelsey happens to be very kind (and peace-loving), so she never complained about this matter. If this had happened in America with Kelsey being American of course, the masseur would have been sued for a fortune! Lucky man! 

We also discussed a little how it came to English being the "world language" - nobody really knowing the answer, only just assuming this and that. Probably because compared to other European languages, English really is fairly easy!

Okay, and this is what we studied today:


And refreshed ourselves with delicious "Kiwi-Yogurt":

By the way, I'm absolutely convinced that this year, the cicadas are taking it quite easy. Meaning I feel they're less noisy, less in numbers, and they also started their "concert" late this season. Actually, I think they're not in gear yet.
Kelsey agreed, she says she hasn't heard any yet, Courtney's cicadas on the other hand started about three days ago....

How do you all feel about this matter? 

I feel like saying: 
 "Where are you guys?


Enjoy the summer!

The "Master"