I should really start writing the  blog straight after the Cafe finishes....it's so hard to remember! 
Two "Thursdayers" showed up today, Ashley & Tiffany. After having the sure, confident feeling that nobody else would 
show up today (also as Ashley had some information about one absentee), we decided to "break the routine" and start the day with the mandatory "material":

The contents of this passage led us to discussing the differences between &. I had a very difficult time to explain
to the two ladies that for men women are impossible to understand (always saying the opposite of what they really think or desire!), and that "we boys" are definitely the simpler species, the one which never grows up. Of course, I'm open for debate & correction!
Ashley told us about a movie she had seen by Hayao Miyazaki called the "Borrowers". The story is based on a British production (by the same name - actually the Japanese name is different, but I forgot!) about a family of very small people living under the floor of a house, and "borrowing" food and other necessities needed for living. I only wonder if they will ever return the things?

Tiffany had a good topic: What is the scariest thing which ever happened to you? Hers was actually "top class" - once when she was sleeping, a bug crept into her ear, all the way, deeper and deeper, making a loud noise (well, not really, but this is happening right inside or very near the eardrum!), hurting the inside of the ear with its' tiny, little hairy legs, even causing some bleeding! Eventually, the doctor "silenced" it with anaesthetic sprayed straight into the ear, then pulled it out with forcepts. I say WOW, that is scary, and neither Ashley or me had anything to top that one!

Okay, let's take a look at today's cheese cookies:

And get out of here!


The "Master"