Thanks to "Tuesday-Girl" Emma (from Germany!!) today was really crowded! Five altogether: Catherine, Jade, Christina, Cassandra, and Emma. This is quite unusual, 'cause don't forget - it's a Saturday! 
Jade had some news about the famous question of which one was first, the chicken or the egg. Well, according to a British scientist, they finally found the answer - the chicken! Why? Because in order to produce the eggshell, protein is needed. Protein can be found inside the hen's (female chicken) ovaries, hence it is only logical that the animal came first! 
Great digest-explanation in English by Jade, well done! A little more detailed information can be found here
Finished reading it? Well, let me confuse you - in 2006 (not so long ago) scientists believed just the opposite!
Ahh, who cares, really?

After going through today's "Joke" -


....we were kind of forced to talk about "love, honesty, loyality", as all members here today were married people. Would anybody act the same like the lady in the story after winning the lottery? Emma said she would, Cassandra said she would keep the big win a secret (smart girl!). When asked the same question, Christina started to think about it really seriously! Just joking!

We enjoyed the "second half" of Thursday's cheese cookies:


And I'm going home wait, Jade had funny kind of riddle, kind of joke: What is the difference between a mortgage? ......Yes, we KNOW there a loads of differences......okay: A mortgage lasts at least 20 years! Get it?


The "Master"