WOW! 7 (in words "seven") nice people showed up today - Daniel, Crystal, Alicia,May, Jade, Kelsey and Miranda!
I' m glad to be able to "report" that everyone was fine!
Kelsey brought in a story about "Mizutorizousan"- a device to absorb the moisture from the air and other places during the hot & humid summer month. It contains a powder ( a chemical) which, when absorbing the water, itself becomes liquid. Kelsey was told by a friend not to dispose of this, as it was useful to kill off the weed in the garden. Well, she tried, and - voila! - all the weed died! On first thought, this might sound like great & useful information, but on second thought it worries me, wondering how poisonous this chemical must be......
And here is a picture of this "water-sucking-elephant":

Daniel brought in a very old looking book by Hermann Hesse (as it's a German author, and I'm Germ......), and explained a quite difficult episode from it about a mountain slowly disappearing....creepy! He said that now that he's older, he understands the book a lot better than before.
Alicia had a heart-warming story about this fellow being lost in New Zealand:

It's an "Emperor's Penguin", and they are usually met in Antarctica, NOT New Zealand! The report said that after some treatment he (or she?) will be released into the wild again! Good luck to him/her!
Miranda had news about loads of turtles crossing a runway a JFK Airport on the way to their breeding grounds, disrupting some traffic. 
Crystal brought in a really expensive, professional looking camera to take some pictures of us, as the Cafe has entered its' last month.
Okay, it's starting to get a little long - let's have a look at today's material, and then  hit the road:


All right, let's enjoy the last month!

The "Master"