I suppose I should be satisfied seeing three young ladies on a day like this - in the middle of the rainy season, and of course, I am!
Thank you Ashley (welcome back from down under), Cassandra and Jade. Today, I told the "crowd" why I NEED to go to Germany this summer, and subsequently about my son's experience at our local elementary school. And how he, my wife, me, and last but not least, the faculty at the school feel how different things are done.
After Ashley's explanation on her stay in Australia, Cassandra had some more on the matter of the guy doing the "divorce ceremonies" (apparently, they are 25 ex-couples to date which "used" the service, and also many, many enquiries are coming in), and she also told us about this guy's "side business" - he runs a "swap meet" site, trading things, every time getting something a little bigger, a little more valuable. He claims his goal is to raise money to send somebody on a trip into outer space.....A Canadian guy by the name of Kyle McDonald did the same thing - he started with a red paper clip, and ended up with a house (!!??!!) within a year! Some people really have brains from a different world! うらやましい〜
But actually a very long time ago in Japan, some smart dude already had this idea, and he went down the history books by the name of わらしべ長者. In case you don't know the story, click on the link! And here you can enjoy reading the story in easy English!

Our cake, yummy!

And again, some serious, helpful English for you to remember:

Well, try to enjoy the rest of this rainy weekend, and don't forget to SUPPORT, CHEER FOR, KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED etc. for Germany tonight, playing against the very strong Argentina! Holland won against the very strong Brazil, too, so I see a good chance tonight!

The "Master"