The "Master" really, really appreciates so many noses showing up on every single Cafe day after his coming out, and also everybody's understanding of the situation. 
Kelly was fine, and she told everyone about a dream she had some weeks ago about the Cafe being closed for renovation of the building, and a note on the door informing visitors that the "Master" was doing a "Sozai" shop in the neighborhood! Well, it turns out the Cafe WILL close, and the "Master" WILL start another job, although most probably NOT "Sozai"!
So - Kelly IS psychic, then?
Crystal told us about a "Beauty from Behind" contest - in other words, ladies with nicely balanced, good-styled backs. Crystal was moved by this event, as the winner was a lady in her forties, beating many, much younger rivals. At this point, I was unsuccessfully trying to find a matching picture.
Heather was fine, so was Angela, who told us about her not-so-healthy female neighbour who asked her (or ordered her?) to sweep in front of their houses!
Chelsea was amused buy the beautiful 1m long snake which enjoyed a free ride on the Shinkansen! Why amused? Because even dogs & cats have to pay ¥270 to ride on it!
Amy just got back from Nagoya, where she had to be a servant & maid for about 5 days at her daughter's house, and therefore was a little exhausted.
What else? Oh yes, while typing this blog, I could feel the earthquake at 19:18 - it was shaking fairly strongly, haven't felt one for a while. Could you notice it?

Our paper:

(I can see the "Japanese" in point one (when it comes to speaking in English!), and myself in point three!)

And the cake, called "Cake":

Okay, have to pack!

The "Master"