Wow, we worked on so many topics today we totally forgot to check the time, it was past four when we finally rounded up this hot discussion!
Lindsey, Jamie & Brooklyn together with me dealt with following subjects:
  1.   Suicide of the Korean actor : We were surprised and most of us couldn't understand how the Japanese female fans could travel all the way to Korea to cry their hearts out. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe one can cry for somebody one doesn't really know! The fans have no nice memories together they can look back to, and they have no future "together" they could possibly miss.........
  2. Football (soccer): There are no "ifs", and Argentina DIDN'T have a bad day - the current German team is strong, that's all there is to it, period! Just accept the facts, and of course, keep on supporting & cheering for my country! Also on this subject it was noted (by me!) how interestingly different the treatment of the so-called "losers" of the WC is: Brazil's coach Dunga was fired, Argentine's coach Maradona quit, the Nigerian national team was terminated by the country's president, the North Koreans are most probably suffering some kind of mistreatment working in some mine, and the Japanese kicker Komano who missed a very important goal is being treated a hero back home! He is one fortunate guy to be Japanese!

And for the rest of the time (most of it, really) we talked, or rather complained about the greedy jokers up in Tokyo called politicians who are pretending they are running a country. It's impossible to go into any details, but among others were the possible raising of the consumption tax, the money wasted on the US bases, and all the other unfair stuff going on up there in the Japanese capital. 

Of course, we studied a little, too:

And no need to mention, enjoyed a refreshing "Bavarian Cream Milk" dessert:

Okay, anything else? I don't think so, so this is it!     

The "Master"