Today was my 14th wedding anniversary, and on a day like this it was really nice to see so many faces here:
Kiara was fine, Catherine, too, and she told us the funny story about the stupid American who actually thought she could smuggle her husband out of prison inside a suitcase! Tiffany felt okay, and she said that an angle had smiled at her - maybe this one?

Lindsey was a little exhausted having just come back from her first-ever visit to Hokkaido where she noticed signs at public baths in English, Chinese and Korean telling people NOT to wash inside the water, NOT to take towels inside, and there was one more, but I forgot.
Abigail was "a little fine" (now, that's a new one!), Cassandra, too, and Heather explained her long absence by telling us dream stories about her various trips abroad by planes and cruise ships.
And now I'm getting sleepy and need to hit the road, but not before posting today's "paper":


Good Night!

The "Master"