Did you know that:
1) "Tanabata" originated in China, and
2) That today is my 12th Wedding Anniversary?

On this very special day, Crystal (who is married to a soccer star for the MONEY!), Brittany (who soon is to marry a married man!), and Isabelle (who is really "γΎγ˜γ‚β€)  together with me enjoyed a cool yogurt dessert:


And talked about so many things I actually forgot what....oh yes, I remember now, we don't agree that Mr. Mino Monta
should get paid so much, and that TV stations also feel the impact of the weak economy!
Our study phrase today was the following one:


Also, the question was raised why beautiful, young ladies should get married to totally fat, overweight, young-dying
Sumo - wrestlers if not only for the money....and why so many of the strong (Yokozuna) wrestlers are mainly foreigners..
So, what do you think?

Hope to see many more of you with answers & opinions to these questions (soon!)

The "Master"