It's the day after a short, unhappy night spent in front of the TV watching Germany losing a football match in which the other team (Spain) was clearly better, stronger, and more motivated. I am still proud of "our boys" - after all, they're one of the best four teams in the world! Good Job, and thanks for a lot of excitement!

So, as it's (almost) over for me, too, Crystal, Mariah, Lindsey and me talked about the World Cup only as little. It was more like a "summary" of the event. 
Lindsey told us about a TV programme she had watched and enjoyed called "American Idol", where a contestant apparently sang really horribly, but refused to quit and blamed the judges for "not understanding his music" or something like that. Mariah had a sad story about a friend's suicide who for some reason didn't get a decent funeral service, but was taken straight  to the crematorium from the police station. The person's wife had passed away recently, so we suspect she was calling for him. Through this story I remembered a programme I had watched recently about pet funerals, and related legal problems. 

I asked the crowd to take their first English test ever at the Cafe:

And as an award for their hard work the students were allowed to indulge in this:

(Yogurt dessert with メロン様 topping)

Your sad & disappointed "Master"

(So, I guess it's back to watching Koshien!)