Today we talked about numbers, and their association with superstition, and probably religion.
We, that were Emma, Monica and Heather (et moi!). A little quiet, but I guess it's to blame on the nice weather.......
Nevertheless, we enjoyed a really mature discussion about above mentioned topics:
13 is a unlucky number in western cultures, so you won't find "gate 13" at airports, for instance. 4 is considered unlucky due one of the many readings it can be read here in Japan, so you won't find "room 4" in hospitals. I was advised NOT to have 4・27 on my car's license plate as in Japanese it would read  "go and die". Well.......
Other than numbers, we talked about the various Japanese "lucky" or "unlucky" days: When you should or shouldn't have your wedding or funeral service, for example.
So crowd, do you  YOU believe or FOLLOW all this (probably) superstition?

Check this out!

We ate this:

And studied this:

That's all for today!

The "Master"