Funny, how hard it is to predict the future - I expected about 6 or  7 people today, however only Jacqueline & Kelsey showed up! The reason I thought so is because two of our Tuesday ladies said that they would come, plus our usual Saturday crowd and maybe our precious "boy" - well, that would make about six or seven noses, wouldn't it? And I made sooo much coffee (which I'm drinking now!).

Jacqueline finished farming, Kelsey had yet another story about an unusual vending machine: This machine can more or less accurately tell what gender the buyer is, and in about what age range! The machine then suggests (or recommends) a suitable choice of drink for the "customer".......Great, high-tech and everything but..............WHO needs this???

(Click on the image for more information)

Later, we discussed the recently very popular "power stones" - apparently, they really seem to make a difference, and a positive one, too!
Jacqueline told us that she was a little scared of them, as they seem to be quiet strong - she's afraid of some kind of "revenge" if, after getting bored of the item, neglects it! She has good reason to believe so, as her son is a "user", and her he himself has some "special powers", as the Saturday members only know too well!
Nevertheless, she's going to shop the in Sannomiya selling the power stone bracelets tomorrow - just to "check them out".

Some Random Thoughts for the Saturday team, too:

And today's highly refreshing Yogurt with Kiwi:


Well, that's it! Have a great weekend!

The "Master"