Summer is coming, definitely, but today we managed with a wide-open door, and two fans.
We stands for Valentino, Cassandra, Crystal and me.
I tried to get just a little excited about the Football World Cup with the group, but today's members were difficult to get in the boat, Crystal cares more about Koshien (really, me too!).
Cassandra had some story about students at Kyoto university who were given the unbelievably lucky chance to study abroad for one semester at all costs covered, but.......................NOBODY raised their hand! 
Which got us talking about the difference (one of the many) between the "western" and the Japanese attitude in such a case: 
9 out of 10  (if not all 10) "westerners" would almost kill for a chance like that, on the other hand, the Japanese rather try to avoid the hassle and stick to their harmonious, daily routine - better nothing changes.

We studied another one in the series of "movie reviews":


And ate "another one" in the series of "apricot cake":

Have a great weekend, enjoy the sun while you can!

The "Master"