Thanks everybody for "swimming by" in this wet weather!  
Our movie-goer, Chelsea, went to see the latest episode of "X-Men", and to my surprise felt that it was the best of the series so far. I was surprised as from experience I feel that usually the first is always the best - Back to the future, Die Hard, Beverly Hills Cop, 48-Hours etc. I can hear you all say: "When is the last time the Master went to the cinema?" And yes, you're right, I haven't been to the movies for ages!!
Alexandria had her driving license renewed and also went to donate her precious blood (AB) - having done "something good", she felt satisfied with herself for the day. I know the feeling - on my way to and from work I sometimes meet a turtle in the middle of the road. I always stop my bike, pick up the little fellow and lift it to the other side of the road, out of the "danger zone" - being sure they won't make it on time on their own until the next car comes by! That feels goos, too!
Kelly - our "buddhist"- visited Kyoto and enjoyed hydrangeas and the 750th anniversary of the famous Hongwanji Temple. She was moved by the sheer size of the temple buildings & rooms (halls?) inside. A beautiful brochure in English made the round a the Cafe today, so everybody was able to "experience" the place a little.

From our facts today we could actually learn something besides English:

(Should remember the last point of advice about the shades & mosquitoes because the summer is coming for sure!)

Lindsey came back from her trip to Germany, and told us about two little mishaps, one before leaving Japan, the other one after coming back: She had the days wrong, being under the misapprehension she would leave Japan on Monday, when the actual departure day was a day before. Furthermore, she thought she was going to use JAL mileage, but found out at the airport it was in fact ANA mileage (or the other way round? I forgot!). On the way back, she realized her luggage had decided to stay in Germany (lost baggage!). But she did enjoy her trip - that's the main thing!

The cake:


 C'est ca! That's it!

Danke Schoen!

The "Master"