Hey - check it out:
Our first Japanese Sweet in over the 2 and a half years since the cafe is up & running:

These little "balls" made of rice (of course!) are known as "Mitarashi Dango"  - and they were very much enjoyed by
Alexandria, Emily, Madison, Jade, Tiffany & Samantha. Not by me, as I'm not to keen on Sweets made of rice! 

Today, we had an interesting topic on how much value a person would put on a genuine autograph of a celebrity he or she liked. Not surprisingly, autographs don't seem to be too popular. I strongly agree with that - as celebrities are only human beings, too.
Besides this, we of course had our "compulsory" paper to study:


Ok, I admit it - I love the Rolling Stones, BUT this choice of photograh is pure coincidence, I swear!!

Thanks for coming & see you soon!

The "Master"