First of all, thank you for your cooperation & understanding last Tuesday - I can only hope nobody stood in front of my door....
Thanks to some Tuesday members, today was well occupied:
Barret visited Shimane, mainly to check out the world of Kitaro. Among places he and his wife visited was the Mizuki Shigeru museum, the man responsible for the Kitaro stories. Barrets topic started a surprisingly exciting debate about Kitaro - some likes, some dislikes, old Kitaro, new Kitaro etc.

summer suffering has started - the summer is  too exhausting for her, and since yesterday, all is damp and sticky.

She also mentioned Horiemon's news, the attitude with which he started his prison term, and his hairstyle.
Monica told us about her hobby garden (farm?): She just harvested potatoes, and is looking forward to her summer veggies to be ready soon. An interesting discussion got kicked off about the size difference of Japanese and Western cucumbers!

Isabelle from France had enjoyed my "Oyaji-Band Concert" last Sunday on the roof of Daimaru on father's day, and so did I! 
And Michaela was really tired from weeding her garden & doing laundry - as you all know, during the rainy season it really IS a gamble, trying to make the best use of the very few dry days.

The "paper":

And the Rooibos Tea Mousse, which proved to be extremely popular (half of the people today had finished it by the time I came out from behind the partition blind making the drinks!!):

Ookini for popping in!

The "Master"