So, today we had a "special guest", a reporter from yet another free paper, Sun Sun Asahi!
Who was it again? Alexandria? - No....Alicia? - No......Angela? - No......Oh yes, I remenber now:
It was Olivia from some Latin country. That means, all the other 3 Ladies whose names start with an "A"
will be famous very soon, lot's of pictures were taken!!

And what did we talk about today.....too many topics to remember! This is what we studied:

 Yes, we talked about body parts!!
And as it was a really hot & humid day, I'm sure everybody enjoyed this delicious-looking coffee mousse:

People who couldn't come today: You have missed THIS!!

I'm also really glad to hear that you all seem to have a good time here and appreciate my "teaching style" (Yes, I know, I said that I'm not teaching you, but.....). Thank you so much! And please spread the word around! (わかります?)


The "Master"

P.S. Today was Tuesday - Jaqueline, where were you?!!!