As I honestly didn't expect anybody to show up today in this terrible weather (seriously cats & dogs!), the more happy I was to be surprised by two happy faces, Alexandria and Crystal. REALLY thanks for coming in these conditions!

We had some trouble getting things off the ground, getting the motor running so to speak....A little bit of football of course
(CONGRATULATIONS JAPAN!!!), then talked a little bit about "patriotism" ( a term I really don't like too much, associating it with American flags on every possible door or window or wall) which I think Japan should have a little more of, not only during events like the world cup. Be proud of your country, your history, your culture, and mostly your language - don't let it be infested with more and more strange カタカナ-words day by day!

Well, just a thought. 

(And somebody please stop me from being sooooo critical!)

Today's English phrase looked like this:

For "the sweet", please check out Thursday's blog!

Once again, I appreciate your swimming to the Cafe today!

The "Master"