A lot of people today talked about snakes, bugs, insects, fireflies, dragonflies, Chinese drinking extremely fresh snake blood, Japanese eating extremely fresh fish, and "Masters" being really kind to all kinds of living beings, not even hitting on cockroaches with slippers or newspapers! 
My advice to enjoy a peaceful life with cockroaches in harmony: Give them names!

Let me introduce to you: PETER & FELIX! Aren't they cute????

So, Ashley, Cassandra, Jamie, Miranda and Mikayla (and everybody else in this world!) - Please be kind to all of nature's creations! They all have the same rights to live!
Miranda als wants everybody to know about an interesting, educational yet simple English conversation site - please take a look (and become even more fluent in this language!) - THIS ONE - GO GO GO!

And our taste buds were spoiled by some delicious "Brownies" - looking like this: BROWN (as the name suggests!):

And once again, that's it for today! Thanks for coming and see you soon!

The "Master"