Let's all welcome Abigail from Higashi-Kakogawa who was in the area to visit her parent's house when she tripped over my Cafe - Signboard and decided to take a closer look. Abigail, you have obviously made the right choice climbing up my stairs, as inside beautiful Mikayla, lovely Ashley, charming Heather and irresistible Alicia were awaiting you with open arms! Once again: HELLO, NICE TO MEET YOU, WELCOME!!

We covered various topics today, I won't be able to mention them all, but there are two which have to be pointed to right here & now! 

When we broke our heads trying to figure out these riddles

Mikayla  got quite close to the answers several times (well, not really.......) and was told by me again and again: "Yes, good thinking, close, but UNFORTUNATELY wrong"!. Maybe she had to hear this word about 10 times today - and it did not come out of my mouth only!! 
The other amusing story was about how Alicia visited her cousin's house after some family gathering, and after going home noticed that she was wearing the wrong shoes!! Coincidentally, they were the same size and similar colour! My advice & suggestion: Get more unique shoes. Maybe a pair of this category:


There will be no more mistakes!! 
Later, her cousin sent the right pair to her. This is, by the way, NOT the first time for Alicia to do this: Last year, her cousin sent Alicia's hat!  
Alicia: Thank you very much for such a nice, amusing, funny, yet sooo peaceful story! Everybody can get a good laugh, though nobody is harmed or inconvenienced in any way! 

Good night!

Thanks & hope to see Abigail again soon!

The "Master"