....yes, June it is: Sticky, rainy, wet, humid!! We are really in the middle of the Japanese rainy season!
Did you know that, as Japan IS part of Asia, this rain is also called the "monsoon" - want to know more?

It's a bit long, but here you go ("stolen" from Wikipedia):

monsoon is a seasonal prevailing wind that lasts for several months. The term was first used in English in IndiaBangladeshPakistan, and neighboring countries to refer to the big seasonal winds blowing from the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea in the southwest bringing heavyrainfall to the area.[1] In hydrology, monsoon rainfall is considered to be that which occurs in any region that receives the majority of its rain during a particular season. This allows other regions of the world such as North AmericaSouth AmericaSub-Saharan AfricaAustralia andEast Asia to qualify as monsoon regions.[2] In terms of total precipitation and total area covered, the monsoons affecting the Indian subcontinent dwarf the North American monsoon, and the South Asian monsoon affects a larger number of people, owing to the high density of population in that part of the world.

Today's main topics were a little bit about Michael Jackson, and Stars in general. What a surprise - Kelsey, although born in Norway, had never heard of the very famous Swedish pop group, ABBA. Hey, I grew up with their music!
But Mya from Italy, Jade from Spain & Mariah from Israel were familiar with the name.

Today's sweet was an orange & choco cake:

And very honest persons are apparently called this way:

See you all in July!

The "Master"