A quiet Saturday for a change, just "one couple" - Michaela & Darrel, thanks for coming!
Darrel said he was a little tired from work, but seemed fine to me. Working for a foreign-owned company, there are many foreigners working there, and he told us about them. Apparently though, the only English he can use on the job is "hey"!
He also shared the secret with us that he doesn't like going shopping with his wife, especially for clothes, as she just can't decide. almost at the cashier, she would change her mind and go back to the clothes rack!  THIS is why:

Michaela told us about her visit to Himeji Castle, which is undergoing major renovation work presently, but they (Himeji City Officials?) built some kind of structure with an elevator inside next to the castle's main tower so visitors can watch the repairs under way - of course charging for that privilege! Smart way to make money even the actual castle visits cannot be enjoyed! 
We tried some one "serious" riddle today, actually impossible to solve - but I thought it was kind of witty, so I introduced it here today. The others were 「おまけ」:

And our cake - it's Summer interior" at the Cafe from today:

Have a great Sunday! We will hold my son's birthday party at Shiawase-No-Mura tomorrow! Luckily, the weather forecast has changed from rain to shine!

The "Master"