Yes!  Finally some more people here today -
Bill, Shelby, Brooklyn & Mikayla joined on this summer-like Saturday - thanks for letting your feet (and cars) take you here!

Although I didn't really want to, we somehow ended up talking a little about the ridiculous Japanese government before changing lanes to some lighter subjects, and we had really good ones today:
Bill new EVERYTHING about the turtles living in a nearby (extremely) dirty river, and Brooklyn had some top secret information about Mickey you want to know?..................this is confidential, you know.........okay, if you really need to know....psssst... the person inside the Mickey mascot costume at Disneyland is a.......
The subject was started by Mikayla who told us about a Japanese restaurant in Thailand which has "robot waiting staff". I then told the group about an article about a Japanese wedding in which the ceremony was conducted by a robot (take a look). This again took us to talking about weddings, and I asked Shelby (the only one not being married yet - she's really young), if she could imagine being married by a robot. That idea she rejected strongly, however, being married by Mickey Mouse would be no problem, so she feels. I told her that I feel a robot and a person in a M.M costume is pretty much the same!  Brooklyn had interesting & helpful information how "powderized" starfish can keep away birds from the balcony etc. Before that, she had a funny story about a overweight bird in Australia being fed so much by B-B-Qers that it couldn't fly, and needed to go on a diet! Check it out! 
All in all, it was a enjoyable Saturday Cafe!

We also studied:

And ate (of course!):

Once again, thanks for coming, and have a nice weekend!

The "Master"