As the lady with the famous Japanese city name was absent, it was a little quiet this Tuesday - "only" Chelsea from England, Emma from Germany (I hear it's a nice place!), and Michaela from Israel joined in today. 
Chelsea was a little tired, having spent a busy time traveling through almost every Japanese prefecture, and attending a "Yuino Gathering" in preparation for her son's wedding - Congratulations!
Michaela also travelled domestically, namely to Yokohama, to visit her daughter and attend her niece's wedding. She stayed for about 3 days having a good time - Congratulations to you, too! 
Emma brought in a heartwarming story about her late father's will: In it he asks his daughter (today's Emma) to take good care of their nice flower garden. Unfortunately, suffering from rheumatism, she couldn't fulfill her father's wish until recently. As her physical condition has improved a lot, she can now attend to the flower garden, and she's really enjoying it, too!
Good for you!

Besides all that, we discussed about how one should take care of their children, or grandchildren for that matter. Should one always be worrying, watching the kids' every move, or should one let the them roam freely risking an injury now and

Today's "Random Thoughts":

And today's cookie (?)...........cake (?)...............what is this? Apparently, it's called "ガレット" in Japanese (in Japanese?):

Well, that is it!


The "Master"