Psssst.......quiet now.......pssst! 
Yes, it turned out to be unusual quiet Tuesday - only Emma & Mikayla showed up, two of our "loyal veterans"!
Emma brought in a interesting topic (she "stole" from a Sunday TV prgramme!) about several men finding themselves in the following situation: Their ship is sinking - they need to jump into the sea. What does the captain say to each of the men in order to get them to take that brave step?
1) To the American: You'll be a hero if you jump!
2) To the Italian: Girls will come running after you!
3) To the British: You'll be a gentleman!
4) To the German: It's the rule to jump!
5) To the Japanese: Jump - because everybody else is jumping as well! 

Okay, me myself, as a German - Japanese (or Japanese - German?)  must agree with above statements! 

We studied for the first time by using "Movie reviews" (of course Emma had seen the picture!):

And enjoyed a cake my mother used to bake a lot when I was small (and she was young!):

C'est ca - that's all!

The "Master"