Today's crowd included happy, second-time grandmother Miya - CONGRATULATIONS for the new member of the family!
Sumire was born on the 27th of February -

Other members of the gang were Chelsea, whose son lives on the 24th floor of an apartment building in Nishinomiya which shook so strongly that her daughter-in-law wants to move, Alicia, whose daughter received an e-mail of concern from her friend in L.A (also an earthquake-prone area), Gracie, her two sons live in Tokyo, and Miranda with a daughter in Yokohama. And yes, we almost entirely talked about the horrendous earthquake and its' aftermath. Comparisons were made to the big Awaji-Kobe quake 15 years ago, which I (luckily?) haven't experienced, living in London. The girls complained about the media coverage style, and about Japan's wimpy Mr. Kan. The politicians all seem to be very tired - no wonder, this is the first time they actually work for the public, and not for their own good! 

I introduced following text with the aim to cheer people up, but I'm not sure it worked:

And today's cake, most probably a first-timer, a lemon cake:

Nobody had leftovers, so I believe it must have been very tasty!

Okay, heads up Japan & thanks for showing up!

The "Master"