Today was "very different", I felt. The atmosphere seemed really relaxed, so settled. Not dull or boring, though. We sure had fun, but it was more "adult fun" (please no misunderstanding here!), difficult to explain. Maybe thanks to our topics?
We talked about how people (in this case the U.S) cannot write cursive handwriting anymore, and only learn block letters in school. So Christina asked us coffee-drinking members of the group if we could. It was also pointed out, that Japanese English teachers in schools are not using cursive handwriting anymore. I mentioned that I don't think that it is a problem, as English for Japanese people is, after all, a foreign language, and knowing one style should be enough. Foreigners learning Japanese Kanji & Kana probably only know one style either. From there, it took us to talking about habits and customs: In Japan messy handwriting is considered no good, in the West I'd say, people don't really care. From that, I remembered the fact that in Japan also poor usage of chopsticks leaves a clumsy impression. While talking about customs & habits, the discussion took us to blood types, another point quite important for the Japanese. In comparison, some "Westerners" have no idea what blood type they are. The differences in values is really interesting!

 After this too serious discussion, we relaxed with these funny riddles:

As last time, people who know the answers, please don't hesitate to post them on this blog!

Our members today required some tips solving these riddles, and at one stage, Brittney thought she had the answer, and although I knew she was way off, I watched her, listening to her explanation, so putting her under the impression she was right! We had a good laugh!!

Also very tasty today was our cake, Apple Yogurt:

Wow, this was one long post - ENOUGH!

Thanks for coming Tiffany, Christina & Brittney (who wanted to tell somebody about books, but that somebody was absent)

The "Master"