It looks like everybody remembered our delayed starting time, except the people who DIDN'T show up......or DID you - at around 1:15?
Brooklyn, Catherine and Mikayla found their way here on this nicely warm Saturday afternoon. The list of "missing persons" for today consists of 1) Ms. Kasai  2) Ms. Young-Girl. We hope you are doing all right!

Catherine is suffering from hay fever. Apparently, the symptoms become more bearable in the afternoon, so she didn't seem to be too strongly affected, but in the morning..........
She told us about her trip to.....let me think...... she mentioned so many names.....Ise, Nachi, Wakayama.....In Ise, she enjoyed delicious Ise Lobster!
Brooklyn took a tour to Tottori: Hiruzen (lunch), "Flower Road" (NOT the one in Sannomiya!), and the Adachi museum, which claims to have the most beautiful garden in Japan. Funnily, she didn't mention the Tottori Dunes.....I wonder, maybe the tour didn't take them there? She showed us a picture of "Hoki-Fuji" - that's the way Daisen is called when looking beautiful covered with snow.
Mikayla had the news for me that my favourite beer brand, "Winter Story", was on sale, but soon sold out! Unfortunately, she forgot to bring any to the Cafe today.....Don't worry, next time will be okay!

Before all of this, I talked about  my first-ever experience receiving a shave with shaving foam, and my haircut. 
And again, the main topic for the rest of the day was the horrible earthquake........too bad.........

But, we had a nice piece of cake:


And went through the same material with last Thursday - some more annoying stuff:

Have a nice, long weekend - mine won't be too nice as the Osaka Motorcycle Show I had planned to go to was canceled due to the earthquake!

The "Master"