Let's see who showed up on this rainy first day of March......okay, one boy,and three girls: Valentino (from Italy), Brittney and Heather (from England), and Michaela (from Israel). 
Heather tried to remember both the name of the movie AND the actor in which, she believes, somebody screams in Japanese while escaping (saying: やばいよ〜) - but this is an American picture, so I believe it highly unlikely to be Japanese.....it might be a case of "空耳アワー", maybe something like this? Ha ha ha........

Brittney showed some deep thoughts concerning the two recent usages of our so-much-loved cell phones, one extremely praisable, the other one leaving lot's to wish for: In Christchurch a person buried under rubble of a collapsed building called for help, being saved in that way, in Japan young people are abusing the technology to cheat on their university entrance examinations! 

Michaela was a bit tired just having come back from a two-day skiing trip (actually, day two was rained out), but nevertheless she proudly reported on her grandchild's progress on the way of becoming a great skier! 

Good-looking Valentino didn't bring in a particular topic of his own, but he eagerly took part in the "discussions"!

Our tasty cookies, called "Butter Sabré" looked like this for a very short time, until they were all eaten!:

And our re-used text from last Thursday - the timing for this couldn't have been better, guys taking a test!:

 Well, crowd, don't let anything keep you away from here - no rain, no snow, no other English Cafes (!), not work, not school, no grandchildren - just come!

The "Master"