Hello, "groupies",
Did everybody have a pleasant, long weekend? Although I was working Saturday all day and Sunday morning, I could relax on Monday. I did miss the annual Motorcycle Show in Intex Osaka though, which was canceled due to the earthquake. Personally, I don't see the connection.......
It was a comparably quiet Tuesday, "only" Erica, Briana Isabella showed up. Briana showed up twice, at 1:30, and the second time at 1:45! She told us about how she had to choose a new system kitchen manufacturer, as her original pick's production is disrupted due to above mentioned matter. In relation to house remodeling & refurbishing, Isabella shared her story with us how she had experienced stress due to having asked her neighbour (a carpenter) to do the job for her. It turned out that his skill was extremely poor! 
Erica explained to us her suffering from red eyes (she said: Rabbit eyes, I said: Dracula eyes!), and sometimes running nose. We came to the conclusion she was suffering from pollen allergy! Poor girl!

Other things we talked about were toilets - two of us having two toilets, and two of us having one toilet in our houses.
Do we really need 2?  How about this one?

And today's "paper":

And the cake:

See you next week - one more Tuesday to go!

Thanks for having been here,

The "Master"