The weather is really playing games with us, don't you think? The 連休-long weekend I think we were  lucky, because the forecast was quite different from the actual weather. Basically, all three days stayed dry! It was really important to me, as on Sunday I took my son on the back of my bike to Intex Osaka to check out the annual Motorcycle show! The weather was pleasant, also the temperature, but all the yellow stuff "made in China" (黄砂-"yellow dust") turned out to be pretty bad on that day! How did all you professional housewives manage your laundry on Sunday?

We ended up talking about various "not too serious" subjects today - Emma (from Germany, although no relation to me) attended a friend's funeral and told us about the style, which was a "family only" style. In other words, no business associates showed up, and a specific sign was in place asking guests not to make monetary offerings. After that, Abigail (from Israel)  took over telling us about the funeral customs in her hometown. Katie from England (and a huge MJ fan!) but born in Gifu explained to us how her little dog got lost trying to follow her. She (the dog, NOT Katie!) was found about 5 days later, but the unbelievable thing about this incident is that the police told Katie to contact the lost & found office to find her dog! Like an item!
Like an umbrella forgotten on a train! Alexandria from Greece talked a little bit about her trip to India - please do look forward to her "India report" which will start on this blog soon!
Our phrase, which I was hoping today's members would try to complete, looked like this - unfortunately, we ran out of time, so please try your luck!:


And our cake, a not too sweet cocoa cake:

Well, this posting turned out a lot longer than I had planned!
"Cheers" for coming in this wet weather!

The "Master"