Yes, this is more like it! After three weeks in a row "private lesson" for today's Erica, she was joined by Ashley & Mya.
This brings today's number of attendees to the amazing total of 3, three!! Feels much better, I can tell you that!

Although Ashley's "fresh" grandchild in Takatsuki is very cute, lovely and everything, she doesn't really feel like going there again too soon as the 7-year old grandson is full of energy, and very naughty. Also, he plays games going by HIS rules! And the 7-year old naughty one is the one granny is asked to take care of, NOT the new, innocent one! Ashley, がんばって!
Mya's feels a headache in her south, eh sorry, LEFT brain, but it's getting better. She had a story about a telephone which showed some problems after 5 years of usage, but the manufacturer replaced it for her under good conditions, although not at no cost. Mya's parents experienced the same problem with exactly the same model of phone, they had it replaced, too. It seemed like the manufacturer knew that model had problems!  
And Erica? Well, she's facing a busy time on her "farm", weeding at fighting with the birds eating all her freshly planted seeds! I guess that's nature, Erica! Besides, I think birds are cute (most kinds, not all!).

Other subjects discussed were the annoying "AC" TV commercials - it turns out many people all over Japan are getting really fed up! If they feel it's appropriate not to show happy commercials about food or cars during such hard times, that's totally understandable, and I do agree......but this extremely boring "AC - attack", it's just too much! How about NO commercials for a change? 

And PeEs: Ashley fell asleep during the showing of the "King's Speech" - a movie Erica told me last week she really had enjoyed. So, is it a good movie or not?


(That picture is supposed to show God laughing  -  as nobody EVER has seen God, we will never know how accurate this image is) 


If you would like to know how our delicious Choco Cake looked like, please check Tuesday's posting - it seems the cake has lost its' way.......

Thanks for being here today (really!)

The "Master"