It was a crowded Thursday today, mainly thanks to Heather showing up after ages, and not alone! She brought two new girls with her by the names of Laura & Breanna! Welcome to the "chaos" called the "SilberCafe! As both of you seemed to have enjoyed today, and you both spoke very good English, we all expect to see you two again in the not too distant future!
Once again - WELCOME!
Subjects varied, although most time was spent today asking each other the routine line-up of questions, as usual when we have new faces. One of the two new girls - now, was it Laura, or was it Breanna? - had a highly interesting "international background", she visited the U.S.S.R and many other countries in that region before I was born (no kidding!).
Heather in turn visited Taiwan recently, and she paraded a very nice, typical green jade necklace around her neck (where else!).
Also today, our sweets were not sweet, but "mochi mochi pan":

Very sorry for the two newcomers, as they were looking forward to nice, sweet cake, as Heather had raved of it a lot, apparently! It looks like you have no other choice but to come again soon!

We studied following dialogue:

Also with us today were Isabelle (from the cave), and Kelly!

Thanks to all of you for coming -

The "Master"