Has anybody seen "Ms. Kasai"? She didn't show up today - Christina, Michaela, Sabrina and of course me, the "Master" were dead worried..........Ok, just kidding, she is suffering from pollen allergy, hay fever, hangover......
All of us here today were affected a little by these "season's blessings" - those little, almost invisible naughty pollen flying around with the aim to become new trees, flowers and plants, but sometimes taking breaks in our noses, eyes and throats!
Christina told us that the best time for pollen to fly around is in the morning on a cloudy day, especially when they are swirled around by passing cars and commuting pedestrians.   

Michaela went to a high school reunion lately, and all things they talked about was taking care of their aging family, and choosing graves & gravestones!!  Oh oh......
Sabrina insisted she wasn't suffering from hay fever, but mentioned that every year during this season she has problems with her think hay fever IS to blame here, what do you think?

As I didn't feel like studying today, our material consisted mainly of nice, funny pictures:

As there were two examples dealing with "sleeping on the train" (OF COURSE in Japan!), we did talk a little about this subject. Michaela was once called by her son at around one or so in the morning asking her to pick him up at a station already in Okayama as he had missed his station (Higashi-Kakogawa, by the way!) sleeping, but naturally, she refused (typical Monster parent, ha ha ha!) and told him to sleep on a bench in the station! All night long he supplied dinner, late night snack and breakfast for the local mosquito community! A true insect lover!

We had a "first-timer" today, Coconut Makaron (no idea how to spell it!):

Well, this is it for today - have a good weekend, watch out for the radiation (but how?),
and see you next Saturday!

The "Master"