Now, somebody please tell me - is it REALLY Saturday today? Why? Well, because today Eddie, Briana (she preferred to be called Nancy), Samantha, Mariah, Gracie, and Catherine gathered today! This just might be a new record for Saturday (although I'm too lazy to check my records!). At the beginning, Eddie was really quiet. When asked if he was all right, he said he was okay, just very full! (Maybe he was nervous being surrounded by so many nice ladies!)
He had 3 portions of curry for lunch! Nevertheless, it somehow happened that we were almost entirely talking about food today! Sorry, Eddie! The word "portion" was new to everybody, so while explaining, many other dishes were mentioned.....
Almost to the end of our precious time did the conversation shift to celebrities, and who knows who in show business.

What we studied today was also really new - if you liked it, we can do more, as the list is virtually endless!:

And our cake looked like this, and listened to the name "Marmalade Cake":

Hope you all have a nice weekend, and that spring will finally come (and stay!)

The "Master"

 Don't forget to visit India!