Wheeeeeeere are youuuuuu? "Ms. Tuesday", "The Boss", the "Italian"?? We were so worried........really?
Brittney, Cassandra and Emma shared the Cafe space with me on this sunny but still a little chilly Tuesday. We managed quite well to avoid the subject of the earthquake: Brittney was suffering from stiff shoulders from moving house. She said she is living in a two-storey house for the first time - always running up & down the stairs fetching things! She calls it "useless movement", I call it "physical activity"! One problem is her little dog, Musashi: He gets lonely when nobody is with him on the first floor (or the second floor), so Brittney always has to carry him! 

 And on the subject of dogs: Emma has the problem with some dog owner NOT cleaning up after his/her dog - right in front of her house! We were discussing what the best solution to this would be. Suggestions were: Place a fake security camera (very cheap to buy!), place an "Ojizousan" next to her door, follow the person, "kindly" returning something he/she "had forgotten", or take the poop and place it in front of that person's house. I believe it's the best way, also satisfies the desire for revenge, but it requires following the bad mannered person to find out where he/she lives......

 When going to Sannomiya, Cassandra saw a young (not handsome!) man on the station announcing the incoming train perfectly, and with a really nice voice, even repeating the announcement. He said something the sort of: "The train coming in at platform 2 is the 15:35 express to Takatsuki. Please stand behind the yellow lines.  
This is all very nice - the only problem is he wasn't a JR employee!! Must have been a serious train maniac!

And here are some amazing facts for you to be amazed at:


And maybe a little early, but tasty nevertheless, today's Yogurt Mousse:

And that's enough for today already!

See ya!

The "Master"