This last day of March brought back Elisabeth, a "member" from about 3 years ago, and with her Brooklyn, a brand spanking new first-timer who speaks English very well! Welcome, Brooklyn! 
I hope you will have many nice hours with our "crazy bunch" in the future - please also check out our Tuesday and Saturday faces! 
So, what did we talk about? Brooklyn told us how she had enjoyed watching the movie "Rapunzel", Elisabeth shared secret information about Broookyn, Shelby found a perfect, hitting the nail right on the head expression for my father (a train maniac): "Anorak" - a British slang for train spotters. Isabella is in charge for organizing a big "Hanami" for 12 people on April 8th, Cassandra found this and brought it to hour attention - please brush up your English BEFORE watching it, I couldn't understand a single word!
Shelby also mentioned an interesting translation for 計画停電 - Rolling Blackout.....what do you think? 

And this is today's study material - DON'T forget your homework!:

And the cake............

Thanks for making it a busy last Cafe day to round up March!

The "Master"