Now, please nobody tell me that the snow has kept you away! I will not believe you (and besides, you can always come here by sledge!).

Originally, I had planned to continue with "Spring topics" for our study material, but I changed my mind, as this was the view out of my window when preparing for today's Cafe:

Outside, the winter had come back! So, my loyal guest, customer & student, 32co, and me worked through some things we can learn from snowmen:

Other things we chatted about was my skiing trip to Kannanbe last weekend, and a TV programme 32co had watched about a person running an English kindergarden somewhere near Fuji-san. Thanks to his teaching style ("imported" from Finland) one little Japanese girl was able to understand basic English after only 3 month! 

My wife today gave me the needle by baking "Amanatto Cake", knowing very well I hate Azuki -

I guess that's all for today - see ALL OF YOU, ALL MEMBERS, next Saturday!

The "Master"