We were a nice group today, all ladies - Brittney, Courtney, Kelsey and Alexandria. We had various topics covered: Kelsey was a little tired from "home farming", and teaching her grandchild some skiing. Our hottest discussion was probably the one about tap water and mineral water. For some time now, it's trendy (or rather "normal") for the Japanese to pay money for mineral water, although Japanese tap water is perfectly save for consumption. It's one way to manipulate the public, and pull unnecessary money out of their pockets! Isn't there a Japanese saying that "Water & Peace" is free in this country?
We also talked about our various encounters with spring water here & there. 

As it's still fairly cold, "snow" was on the agenda, too, and we shared experiences with snow chains for cars. Also, we took a look what we can learn from "Snowmen": 

And, while also talking a little about strawberries and ski boots (Yes, YOU CAN remove the inner boot!), we were enjoying this "Caramel Banana Muffin":

And that's it - watch out when bumping into Kelsey, her house is being renovated so she can't take a bath for about a week!! Environmental alert!!

The "Master"