A very "normal", but of course enjoyable Tuesday is nearing its' end - I was glad to see "my" Tuesday girls all cheerful and in high spirits - thanks for being here Shelby, May, Alicia and Alexandria!
Alicia's request today was for everybody to try not to talk about a Golden Week spent with grandchildren, for fear the whole Cafe time would be dedicated to the little brats! We all tried hard to keep it under control!

Alicia herself visited the Himeji Safari Park & the Himeji Zoo (pssst.....with her grandchildren!), and naturally had a good time with her family. Although she mentioned having visited the Safari Park already four times!

Mya enjoyed a long day trip by car with her friends first to the town of Sayo, later to Hiruzen and Raddish Island in Shimane. They could see the beautiful Daisen still covered with snow, but their main purpose was to enjoy flowers, for example the Shakunage flower (rhododendron)

Shelby also had all her family in her not-too-big new house, but compared to last year was not so tired as her daughters in law helped a lot with cooking etc.

Alexandria climbed up the Nunobiki Herb Garden by the rope way with the new gondolas with her family, and yes, you've guessed it, including grandchildren! She had a good time, and the family was lucky to just squeeze in before the busy lunch time of the restaurant kicked in!   

The other main topic of the day was green fingers, and everybody's gardens! Ladies just happen to enjoy flowers!

And some thoughts from Kimo:

And today's little unusual cake - Caramel Marble Cake (ONE piece each!)

There were some complaints that commenting doesn't work - it seems okay now! It's out of my control. Guess that's one of the main problems with "free stuff"!

See you all soon!

The "Master"