Hi, folks!
We were a nice group of 5 today - Jade, Briana, Mikayla, Amy, and Courtney (et moi = and me, French).
We talked a little about the exhaustion suffered by our "older age group" after having to take care of hordes of 
grandchildren during the Golden Week! 
Other main topics today were foreign shopping establishments - IKEA & COSTCO, to be specific. Surprisingly, 4 out of our 
5 girls here today had never visited Ikea. Ikea is a Swedish owned furniture store (nearest one on Port Island), with a unique style which lets one enjoy a trip "overseas" without actually buying anything. I recommend a visit - and while you're there, don't forget to catch one of their hotdogs, "yummlicious" and only a 100 ¥! 
COSTCO, an American owned and styled grocery & market on the other hand (nearest one in Amagasaki), I can't really recommend. First of all, you need to obtain membership to even enter the store, and when you're trying to leave, staff request to check your receipt against the items in your shopping bags! It's feels kind of rude, I think. Everything sold there is BIG: Quantities, B-B-Q sets, safes etc....precisely American! Having said that, a visit there IS an experience (especially for people interested in foreign products & culture, just like the "Cafe ladies"!), so find somebody who is a member, and ask to be taken there. I did check their website for a trial membership or something similar, but unfortunately couldn't find anything.

Today's English phrase was the following:

And our cake, a delicious Banana cake:

It was nice to see Briana (Saturday's girl's daughter) again after aaaaages (what kept her away?), and also "Ms. MJ", Jade! We were all really worrried, you know!

Thanks for coming!

The "Master"

P.S. 32co - where are you?