Something is wrong with the average age on Saturdays recently - it's a little higher than it should be ~ Na.........where are you? 
Today's main topic: Farming! Below is a picture of Amy's husband planting rice, so Amy could be here today:

Emily also has some "hobby farming", or "side business farming" experience when she was younger, Kiara said she wasn't feeling too well, but I think she was fine!
Besides farming, we also discussed the serious matter of people committing suicide, as Amy brought in the news of Miyu Uehara's tragic incident. 
Emily told us about her friend & famous potter Ishida Toshun, and her pricey pieces of art. From there, we discussed how the value of items and services is determined - there are some unbelievable charges out there! Watch out!

Our funny paper for this Saturday:

That was today's blog in a nutshell!

The "Master"