It was a nice, sunny day with Alexandria, Kelly and Mya joining in the conversation about uniforms, school uniforms and my story about this woman actually getting arrested for "disturbing the public peace" or something like that using a cell phone on a train. If interested, more info can be found HERE

Before all this, of course, the girls brought in some stories of their own:
Kelly told us about how the buddhist priest at their family temple failed to read some names of ancestors at an annual ritual, probably skipping some pages. His lame excuse later was this he was getting old & tired. Understandably, Kelly and her family were not happy!
Alexandria told us about a huge coca cola vending machine about 3.5 metres high which requires at least two people when wanting to buy a drink - alone one cannot reach the buttons! More to find HERE . It's for a really good cause, I like the idea!
She also had the stupid story about a brainless man having eaten 25000 Big Macs in about 39 years, and saying he's going to continue eating the junk until he dies (which, if he really continues, will be very, very soon!). And THIS is how he looks!

 Please also check out two very well-made commercials by Coca Cola, first in English, then in German.

Mya did her "homework", checking up on last week's question what the meaning behind the japenglish "Cool Biz" is - it turned out our suspicions were correct: It in fact stands for "business". Surprisingly, she got this information watching CNN news! 
 While enjoying this:

We went through a list of things mum always used to say - much of this must have been bringing back memories, as most of our Cafe girls are mothers!

Thanks for coming, mothers and see all mothers-to-be!

The "Master"