It was a good start into the beautiful month of May, especially as we could today welcome another "newbie", the type which really lowers our average age significantly - Briana is "below" 30 - enough said! 
A warm welcome to you from the Saturday bunch, the others, and of course, me! I hope you'll have a great time with the veterans! 
As usually, a "new face" means bombarding with questions by the "oldies", and Shelby, Cassandra and Alexandria didn't hesitate at all to follow the tradition! 
After this "ritual", we tried our luck at these riddles:

Some of these apparently were a little lame, so occasionally, I felt malignant glances......sorry for that!

Our cake was a very yummy pound cake:

And that'll be all for today - I wish all of you a pleasant Golden Week, don't forget that the Cafe will be CLOSED TUESDAY 4TH. See all of you on Thursday the 6th!

The "Master"

P.S. The picture of the Carp Streamer was chosen by today's Shelby, aka "oriental" - Thanx!