Hey friends!
We were three beauties today - Kiara (Irish), Courtney and Katie (both English), and we talked about various topics:
Courtney, who is a member of a Hula Dance group had the chance to visit a performance by a group of "real" Hawaiian Hula Dancers, and this experience totally changed her view of the art - unfortunately negatively. That is, not that she suddenly stopped liking Hula (rather the opposite), but that she realized how "fake", how "copied" the performances of her group had been. From there we continued discussing this, how important the mental, emotional part is in traditional arts. Can a real "Gaijin" be a good Enka singer? Can a Japanese musician be a real bluesman? Are the many foreign Sumo wrestlers changing the face of Sumo, and do they REALLY understand the original idea, message, emotion behind Sumo? And that is the point were our group today made a HUGE DISCOVERY - Hula Dancing and Sumo Wrestling are THE SAME!!



Okay, the explanation to this surprising claim: Kiara mentioned that Sumo started as a praying ceremony to a god (or multiple gods), so has Hula. Hence the conclusion that the two are the same! YES! (But you must admit that the naked people in the picture look a lot alike!) What a scoop!
From there we talked a little about religion, did our "mandatory" phrase:

(The text under Bin Laden reads: Presumed leader of the war attacks on Sept. 11th, 2001, which caused the death of 2,752 people in the USA.
The text under Bush reads: Leader of the war attacks in Afghanistan, Iraq,....which cost, so far, the life of at least 10,951 civilians.)
This leaves you with something to think about, doesn't it? Now you tell me which one is the "bad guy", and why the world is so incredibly unfair.


Enjoyed this Banana Cake:

Said good-bye and went home!

Until next Thursday (I hope it will not be a "private lesson" for Katie, who today suspected (hoped?) she might have one!)

The "Master"