Full house! Well, almost! Kelly, Elisabeth, Madison, Sabrina, Christina and Emily decided to share their precious Saturday afternoon here at my humble Cafe, and - KELLY is a new face!!
Hello, Kelly! Welcome, Kelly! Nice to meet you! And she is another one really bringing down the average age once again! 
We really didn't have any special personal subjects today, as we were, as usual, bombarding the new girl with various questions! 
Except that Emily told us she was tired after her son's mid-term exams had just finished. Why was she tired, not him? Because she kept on yelling: "study, study, study"! By the way, nice to see you again after a fairly long absence.

Today, we spent some fun time with this material:

(Yes, I know the that line "4" is missing - I'm getting old, you know!!)

Later, we talked a little about pets, especially dogs, and that there is in fact medical insurance for them, too. Dogs are charged according to their weight!

And the cake:


Well, that's it! Have a great Sunday (although tomorrow's probably going to rain...........)

Thanks for coming, and once more, welcome Kelly!

The "Master"