So, why is there a question mark behind Tuesday? Well, the answer to this one is easy: Because 
today just didn't "feel" like it - my two Tuesday regulars didn't show up, instead Shelby (a definite "Thursdayer") 
pleased me with her company, joined by Chelsea, Elisabeth and Jade. 
These three ladies do sometimes show up on other days, so I had a strange "Thursday feeling" today.
This time, I started telling the group about my very bad news: 
First, how a big truck ran into the back of my car last Saturday night - this one:


Then, about my consultation hour with the doctor, who told me that all the problems with my spine visible on 
the x-ray pics are NOT related to the accident, but to my short: I'm HEALTHY & OLD!!! That was one thing I prefer not being told by a doctor!  And as Chelsea (MJ) showed up today, I told the crowd about テレビチャンピオン (a TV programme) where the contestants had to build amazing
structures using Lego (
©) blocks, and one of them made a MJ mask!
Our "riddle specialist", Elisabeth, had another one for us today:

Why are the middle ages also called the dark ages? 

After studying today's phrases (yes, you're right, the same from last Saturday - it's called "re-use", ha ha ha!):


We discussed a little (while sobbing....) why the Japanese National Football (soccer) team is sooooo weak. 
Apparently because of this, a lot less supporters are planning to travel to South Africa than anticipated by 
the tour operators. I guess in that aspect, the Hanshin Tigers are really lucky - whatever their 
performance is, the fans usually stay loyal.

Jade had a interesting report about "artificial scents": For example, fake curry smell is disseminated 
in the supermarket's curry section to attract and prompt housewives to buy a box of the brown stuff 
for dinner. Another was about fire alarms for deaf people: The (maybe) unpleasant smell 
of Wasabi will let them know to better run away!

This was how our cake looked like today (of course, everyone got only one piece!):

And I guess that'll do for today: Shelby, enjoy your trip next Thursday (we'll miss you!), 
and Chelsea, I wish you all the luck you need in finding your lovely old lady!

Thanks for showing up, 

The "Master"